
Essential Guide to Rubus: A Beautiful Resource from the Herb Society of America

For anyone who wants to take a deep dive in the Rubus genus, this 30 page guide from the Herb Society of America is a wonderful place to start.

A taste of the monograph from Essential Facts Committee member Bobbie Cyphers:

“From the blackberry tangled verges along country lanes to the new smaller, thornless
raspberries being bred for today’s gardeners, the genus Rubus is a diverse one feeding us and ornamenting our gardens and providing food and protective cover for wildlife and pollinators alike. From a rare bramble species on the Isle of Sicily to the west coast native Salmonberry – pioneer of stripped logging sites – the species within the genus number into the hundreds. Although writing about another genus altogether, plant hunter Reginald Farrer’s description as ‘entangled, confused, and difficult to decipher… all differentiable, but not always easy to differentiate’ (Rainbow Bridge, 1921) could apply equally to Rubus. In all that complexity, an abundance of uses and a wealth of delights await us in Rubus, Herb of the Year 2020. The Herb of the Year Essential Facts Committee has compiled a selection of articles relating to Rubus for the use and delight of our members. Please enjoy the following guide in your programs and study groups.”